
About This Episide


What if a robot could help you as a business owner do one small customer experience thing? And what if that thing was a very human and personal experience for your customers…one that’s associated with a time long before email conquered the world?

That one small CX thing? Say thank you! And do it in a simple way that expresses your authentic self.

We discuss how with Rick Elmore, founder and CEO of Simply Noted , an amazing company and solution that we think every small business (and a lot of larger ones) should use. Simply Noted, with 400,000 website users per month, provides a powerful, low cost but high impact AI experience – a transformation solution providing handwritten notes.


  • Rick’s spectacular personal journey from University Arizona football player to an MBA who founded a tech startup.
  • How handwritten notes transform experiences.
  • Some of the robot, machine learning and artificial intelligence innovations, including 6 pending patents, that Simply Noted has pioneered.
  • How people who receive a printed pseudo hand written note know that it isn’t real and the impact on their customer perceptions.
  • What Simply Noted does to avoid all these issues.
  • How ChatGPT and OpenAI are critical to Simply Noted’s success.
  • The business case that Simply Noted serves including:
    • How appreciated customers are 5 times more likely to make purchase, 5 times more likely to forgive a mistake,  4 times more likely make a referral, 7 times more likely to buy a new offering or product.
    • That American Express says a 5% improvement in client retention will drive 25-95% year over year profitability growth.
    • Informing Client Retention as the biggest focus  (although many businesses use the notes for prospecting).
    • Why the biggest application is simply saying thank you, a small but important thing.
    • And why smart clients recognize they need to move and do things like this now because the AI revolution is moving fast but relationships will never go out of style.



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